How do I fix this package error?

I got sick and tired of trying to force Unity to render my pixel font correctly. I don’t know why it’s adamant on blurring or distorting every bit of text I give it, but that’s another issue (tried all the tutorials, compression settings, rendering settings etc. - even created an editable version and changed its texture settings).

Anyway, so I’m trying to use this font from the asset store: Pixel Font - Tripfive | 2D Fonts | Unity Asset Store

It’s free. I downloaded it and clicked ‘open in Unity’. It opens in the package manager. I click ‘download’ and… it doesn’t like that.

“The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request”.

I’m going to take a break for now before I throw my laptop out of a window (I’ve spent several hours just trying to insert some text and have it look normal).

Does anybody have any clue how I can fix this and download the asset?

Once you have downloaded your assets, they can be found in the following locations:

Please note: These folders are hidden by default

Windows - User>AppData>Roaming>Unity> Asset Store

Mac - User>Library>Unity>Asset Store

In your Unity project, go to Assets → Import Package → Custom Package

Then navigate to folder and select the asset.

Alternatively, go to Window → Asset Store

In the store, search for the Asset you downloaded (you’ll need to log into the Asset store using your Unity account details).

Click the Download or Import button to download the Asset.

Either way, you need to import the assets from inside the Unity Editor.

Edit: Help Wanted 2020.1.0f1 Has closed the asset store, however can’t download from web also.

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You need to contact the developers about that:

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