Hi, I’m trying to buy a license for untiy build server. I’ve tried a few times to get in touch with the sales team but response has been very limited. How can I buy this product?
You tried contacting them well before Xmas? During the holidays I wouldn’t expect timely responses.
You have a Pro or Enterprise license? Because that is a prerequisite.
I suppose in extension to that, any kind of “Contact us” web product indicates that the product is not available to everyone. Since you say the response was “limited” perhaps your request perhaps already failed initial vetting? Eg annual revenue, number of employees, country of business. Can’t say what their minimal requirements are respectively what you’ve already provided.
Does build automation in the Cloud suffice? If so, you can just subscribe to that.
Thanks for your reply. We do have a pro license. Yeah, I first tried contact them months ago and did get a response after a long wait asking for some payment details, but after me asking some follow up questions to that, I never got another reply despite sending a message every week or so prompting for a follow up.
I’ve had a look into build automation in the cloud but haven’t had much success with it because they only let me select my own personal github repositories as opposed to the one I need in my company’s organisation. I don’t think I should have to move the repo to my personal account, or change git host or anything like that. So I thought the floating license server might be a good alternative. It just feels disappointing that I can’t get in contact with them properly about it.
Do you not have an account that is on your companies license?
My account is on my companies license
Have you tried using the build automation Git SSH option? This should allow you to connect to any git hosted repository, including private ones as long as you configure the SSH key to have access to your repository.
I’ll also pass this thread along to someone in the license server area to see if we can get someone to take a look at your request.