How do I get Additive or Subtractive blend in a 2D lit shader?

Hey, everyone!!! I recently upgraded Unity to use the URP so that I could use 2D lights. Before doing that I had a TON of custom shaders I wrote. So of course, upgrading to the URP broke them all (yes I used the convert materials option). I’m in the processing of remaking all of them with Shader graph, but for some reason, I just cannot find a way to make an Additive or Subtractive 2D lit shader.

I noticed that when I created a 2D shader there is no option for blend mode (though there is node). But when I add in a new PBR graph shader there IS a blend mode option. Sadly if I use that with the 2d renderer pipeline, lights are totally broken on the object and it is always fully lit. I was trying to find a way to manually edit the shader code to change the blend mode… but I just can’t seem to find one.

This seems like an ultra-easy fix but I can’t figure it out. Heck, I can’t even figure out how to change what directory in the menu my shader appears under now. What am I missing here?:frowning:

So not one person on this whole forum knows how to do something that should be VERY basic?

Yup… shader graph is trash. If something this basic is this difficult to get help on for a 2D game it has a LONG way to go.