Maybe my confusion is between working with ‘Cloud’ and ‘Collaberate’…
I followed the documentation @: Unity - Cloud Build
But the project is not showing up in the editor. How do I get a project from cloud, so that I can edit it?
Maybe my confusion is between working with ‘Cloud’ and ‘Collaberate’…
I followed the documentation @: Unity - Cloud Build
But the project is not showing up in the editor. How do I get a project from cloud, so that I can edit it?
Figured it out.
Cloud Build has nothing to do with projects in the cloud.
The confusion comes from out of date documentation, and ambiguous wording.
one needs to ‘Collaberate’ on projects ‘In the Cloud’, but this has nothing to do with the Cloud Build service that unity offers.
There is no place to look at team or collaborated projects, unless you looking at projects in the cloud where your not building them…
All the URLS that point do… get redirected to… and the documentation screenshots don’t match what is currently available
And in all my google searches on how to get/put unity project ‘in the cloud’, no info or hits were returned for ‘Collaberate’ settings. So, Unity is probably still working on keyword management issues.
But the question is now: Why are the Collaborate projects listed as Cloud projects, when they have nothing to do with the Cloud service?