How do I get icons(Camera/Audio/Waypoints/ect) to appear in scene view?

I really need some help. I’ve scoured the internet, and I am unable to resolve this on my own. I am unable to see any icons or borders of selected objects. I can see the border when I select the tool edit something size but that is the only time. I used to be able to see all colliders/shredders, ect even when not selected with a green line.

All layers are set to visible. All Gizmos are enabled, and I’ve tried to scale the sizes to make sure they just weren’t too small. I have completely uninstalled both Unity and unity Hub and, re installed latest version of Unity. Nothing I’m doing is allowing me to see icons on the Scene window. Someone please help me, thank you.

I’m a total noob, but I figured this out on my own. Posting this in case anyone else ever has this problem. The Gizmo button itself is a toggle on/off button. I kept pressing the part of the button with the arrow to go through the options, but pressing the arrow doesn’t toggle the gizmos on or off. Just got to make sure gizmos are turned on.