How do I get ÷ in my code?

doing a math game and I wanted to place a ÷ for the gui inside unity I can place it in a GUItext but for the life of me I can’t think of how to get into the Javascript .

it always comes up blank or I treid the unicode and all I get is the unicode numbers… crazy. This is just for the eye candy of the game the math works fine with a / . If anyone can give me insight on this I would be greatful…


this is what i was trying for the unicode and it comes back with what is u.

:smile: you saved me one question - i need to know how to create the °

Custom fonts make everything easier :slight_smile:

… Did this solve your problem? No. Is it a viable answer, of course it is :slight_smile:

(Least helpful forum member since… last week) :slight_smile:

Just type the ÷, and save the script in UTF-8 format.
