How Do I Get my Enemy to face and then follow my player in a 2D Top Down Shooter

I currently have a very simple 2D Top Down shooter on the X, Y plane
W A S D are used to move the player and he always faces the mouse
I have implemented a basic enemy (green square)
I would like to know what script I could add to it to get it to face and then travel towards the player
i have seen another question on this page BUT it didnt work for me because it was based on the X, Z plane and would travel towards the player but rotate weirdly
Many Thanks in Advance

Hope this helps, make sure your freeze your other axis if you don’t want him to turn on a certain axis(you can do this in your hierarchy for your enemy), if you do want him to rotate then don’t freeze axis and still try this code, do you mind c#, i used this in my Top Down Rpg @4_Tuna

if you want to freeze an axis in your script use this: Freeze rigidbody position in script - Unity Answers

public class FollowAI : MonoBehaviour {

public static bool moving;
public GameObject Player;
public float speed = 2f;

void Start () 
	Player = GameObject.Find("Player");

void Update () 
	moving = true;
	transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, Player.transform.position, speed*Time.deltaTime);


And to look at enemy use

    enemy.rotation.x = 0;
    enemy.rotation.y = 0;

Or change those two lines depending on which axis you want your enemy to spin.