How do i get rid of status bar on iPhone?

So I’m running my game in the iPhone simulator, and it has at the top:

Carrier o)) 16:24 Battery [ ]

Is there a way to get rid of this? It’s covering up some of my UI! I have status bar set to “hidden” in Unity.

Click File → Build Settings… and on the window that opens, click Player Settings. Alternatively, go to Edit → Project Settings → Player.

In the sidebar window that opens, open the third tab (iOS), and open the Resolution and Presentation accordion. Scroll down until you see the section for Status Bar, and check the box next to Status Bar Hidden.

Yes, that’s all ready checked. Maybe it’s because I’m using an older copy of Unity? 4.2?

I know there was a bug in previous versions of Unity where the status bar would show up on iOS 7, but it was fixed shortly after iOS 7 was released. Is Unity 4.2 older than that?

Yes. You’re right. I just found a fix here. Probably should just update my projects, but then they’re all working right now. And if it ain’t broke…

You’re right about updating if it ain’t broke, but yours appears to be broke!

Make a backup of your projects (which you should be doing anyway) and copy your Unity app folder. That makes it easy to go back if updating does break something.