How do I get the Application Path?

I know I can get the application data path, but is it possible to get just the application path? I want to have a config file next to the executable file/icon on mac and windows and not in a folder

So I want player.exe config.dat

and for mac

Player (package) config.dat

I used this in one of my scripts:

    path = Application.dataPath;
    if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) {
        path += "/../../";
    else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) {
        path += "/../";

What I would do is `Path.GetFullPath(".")`, but didn't test it anywhere except of PC

What I would use is Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath)

You can use Application.persistentDataPath. It’s safe to write there.

This is a basic C# question, which applies to all apps. It’s nothing to do with Unity.

These properties were made to avoid the silly responses farting around here.

These are what you asked for:

// Exactly as it says. The Start-up directory of current application. It does not change.
// You never need to cache this as it won't change, but you sure can if you want to.
// Be sure to test this in a build. The editor play mode will give you the editor directory.

// Starting value is BaseDirectory. Can be changed for complex directory operations.
// This is something you can cache several times with each change to save desired paths.

// These are the most correct answers to this question.
// There are some responses here that fart around, and others that make those look good.

I am saddened by the horrendous “answers”.

Here is code you can copy and paste into a MonoBehaviour for testing in a build.

  •   // UnityEngine built-in callback.
      void OnGUI()
          string baseDir = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
          string currDir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
          GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 20, 1400, 20), baseDir);
          GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 40, 1400, 20), currDir);

Well, if this were a regular Windows application, I would have told you to just use `Application.StartupPath`, but since it's not (and the Unity library has their own version of the Application class), I don't think what you're asking for is possible.

I'm pretty sure the `dataPath` variable is there for cross-platform compatibility, since the filesystems are different on Windows/Mac/iPhone, etc, so what the `dataPath` does is gives you a unified, safe location where you can store data, regardless of target platform.

Hi, this is an old post, but this is not the solution anymore. Now the datapath leads to “nameApp_Data”, not the folder in which you have your executable.

I was looking to the solutions and here a link:
Can I get a folder up hierarchy relative to the dataPath? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

So… use Application.dataPath.Substring(0, Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf('/'));
to get the Folder with the executable.


I see that there are some ways to get the application folder path:


for more information, Please go through this link:

Thanks & Regards,