How do I get the floor level from a quest headset to use as a camera y offset for the XRorigin?
If you don’t know what the XRorigin is here’s the script
// ENABLE_VR is not defined on Game Core but the assembly is available with limited features when the XR module is enabled.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace Unity.XR.CoreUtils
/// <summary>
/// The XR Origin represents the session-space origin (0, 0, 0) in an XR scene.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The XR Origin component is typically attached to the base object of the XR Origin,
/// and stores the <see cref="GameObject"/> that will be manipulated via locomotion.
/// It is also used for offsetting the camera.
/// </remarks>
[AddComponentMenu("XR/XR Origin")]
public class XROrigin : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The Camera to associate with the XR device.")]
Camera m_Camera;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Camera"/> used to render the scene from the point of view of the XR device. Must be a child of
/// the <see cref="GameObject"/> containing this <c>XROrigin</c> component.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You can add a <see cref="UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.TrackedPoseDriver"/> component to the <see cref="Camera"/>
/// GameObject to update its position and rotation using tracking data from the XR device.
/// You must update the <see cref="Camera"/> position and rotation using tracking data from the XR device.
/// </remarks>
public Camera Camera
get => m_Camera;
set => m_Camera = value;
/// <summary>
/// The parent <c>Transform</c> for all "trackables" (for example, planes and feature points).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See [Trackables](xref:arfoundation-managers) for more information.
/// </remarks>
public Transform TrackablesParent { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Invoked during
/// [Application.onBeforeRender](xref:UnityEngine.Application.onBeforeRender(UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction))
/// whenever the <see cref="TrackablesParent"/> [transform](xref:UnityEngine.Transform) changes.
/// </summary>
public event Action<ARTrackablesParentTransformChangedEventArgs> TrackablesParentTransformChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Sets which Tracking Origin Mode to use when initializing the input device.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="RequestedTrackingOriginMode"/>
/// <seealso cref="TrackingOriginModeFlags"/>
/// <seealso cref="XRInputSubsystem.TrySetTrackingOriginMode"/>
public enum TrackingOriginMode
/// <summary>
/// Uses the default Tracking Origin Mode of the input device.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When changing to this value after startup, the Tracking Origin Mode will not be changed.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// Sets the Tracking Origin Mode to <see cref="TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device"/>.
/// Input devices will be tracked relative to the first known location.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Represents a device-relative tracking origin. A device-relative tracking origin defines a local origin
/// at the position of the device in space at some previous point in time, usually at a recenter event,
/// power-on, or AR/VR session start. Pose data provided by the device will be in this space relative to
/// the local origin. This means that poses returned in this mode will not include the user height (for VR)
/// or the device height (for AR) and any camera tracking from the XR device will need to be manually offset accordingly.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device"/>
/// <summary>
/// Sets the Tracking Origin Mode to <see cref="TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor"/>.
/// Input devices will be tracked relative to a location on the floor.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Represents the tracking origin whereby (0, 0, 0) is on the "floor" or other surface determined by the
/// XR device being used. The pose values reported by an XR device in this mode will include the height
/// of the XR device above this surface, removing the need to offset the position of the camera tracking
/// the XR device by the height of the user (VR) or the height of the device above the floor (AR).
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor"/>
//This is the average seated height in meters (which equals 44 inches).
const float k_DefaultCameraYOffset = 1.1176f;
[SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_RigBaseGameObject")]
GameObject m_OriginBaseGameObject;
/// <summary>
/// The "Origin" <see cref="GameObject"/> is used to refer to the base of the XR Origin, by default it is this <see cref="GameObject"/>.
/// This is the <see cref="GameObject"/> that will be manipulated via locomotion.
/// </summary>
public GameObject Origin
get => m_OriginBaseGameObject;
set => m_OriginBaseGameObject = value;
GameObject m_CameraFloorOffsetObject;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="GameObject"/> to move to desired height off the floor (defaults to this object if none provided).
/// This is used to transform the XR device from camera space to XR Origin space.
/// </summary>
public GameObject CameraFloorOffsetObject
get => m_CameraFloorOffsetObject;
m_CameraFloorOffsetObject = value;
TrackingOriginMode m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode = TrackingOriginMode.NotSpecified;
/// <summary>
/// The type of tracking origin to use for this XROrigin. Tracking origins identify where (0, 0, 0) is in the world
/// of tracking. Not all devices support all tracking origin modes.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="TrackingOriginMode"/>
public TrackingOriginMode RequestedTrackingOriginMode
get => m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode;
m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode = value;
float m_CameraYOffset = k_DefaultCameraYOffset;
/// <summary>
/// Camera height to be used when in <c>Device</c> Tracking Origin Mode to define the height of the user from the floor.
/// This is the amount that the camera is offset from the floor when moving the <see cref="CameraFloorOffsetObject"/>.
/// </summary>
public float CameraYOffset
get => m_CameraYOffset;
m_CameraYOffset = value;
/// <summary>
/// (Read Only) The Tracking Origin Mode of this XR Origin.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="RequestedTrackingOriginMode"/>
public TrackingOriginModeFlags CurrentTrackingOriginMode { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// (Read Only) The origin's local position in camera space.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 OriginInCameraSpacePos => m_Camera.transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.position);
/// <summary>
/// (Read Only) The camera's local position in origin space.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 CameraInOriginSpacePos => m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Camera.transform.position);
/// <summary>
/// (Read Only) The camera's height relative to the origin.
/// </summary>
public float CameraInOriginSpaceHeight => CameraInOriginSpacePos.y;
/// <summary>
/// Used to cache the input subsystems without creating additional GC allocations.
/// </summary>
static readonly List<XRInputSubsystem> s_InputSubsystems = new List<XRInputSubsystem>();
// Bookkeeping to track lazy initialization of the tracking origin mode type.
bool m_CameraInitialized;
bool m_CameraInitializing;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height of the camera based on the current tracking origin mode by updating the <see cref="CameraFloorOffsetObject"/>.
/// </summary>
void MoveOffsetHeight()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
switch (CurrentTrackingOriginMode)
case TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor:
case TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device:
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height of the camera to the given <paramref name="y"/> value by updating the <see cref="CameraFloorOffsetObject"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="y">The local y-position to set.</param>
void MoveOffsetHeight(float y)
if (m_CameraFloorOffsetObject != null)
var offsetTransform = m_CameraFloorOffsetObject.transform;
var desiredPosition = offsetTransform.localPosition;
desiredPosition.y = y;
offsetTransform.localPosition = desiredPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Repeatedly attempt to initialize the camera.
/// </summary>
void TryInitializeCamera()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
m_CameraInitialized = SetupCamera();
if (!m_CameraInitialized & !m_CameraInitializing)
/// <summary>
/// Handles re-centering and off-setting the camera in space depending on which tracking origin mode it is setup in.
/// </summary>
bool SetupCamera()
var initialized = true;
#if UNITY_2023_2_OR_NEWER
if (s_InputSubsystems.Count > 0)
foreach (var inputSubsystem in s_InputSubsystems)
if (SetupCamera(inputSubsystem))
// It is possible this could happen more than
// once so unregister the callback first just in case.
inputSubsystem.trackingOriginUpdated -= OnInputSubsystemTrackingOriginUpdated;
inputSubsystem.trackingOriginUpdated += OnInputSubsystemTrackingOriginUpdated;
initialized = false;
return initialized;
bool SetupCamera(XRInputSubsystem inputSubsystem)
if (inputSubsystem == null)
return false;
var successful = true;
switch (m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode)
case TrackingOriginMode.NotSpecified:
CurrentTrackingOriginMode = inputSubsystem.GetTrackingOriginMode();
case TrackingOriginMode.Device:
case TrackingOriginMode.Floor:
var supportedModes = inputSubsystem.GetSupportedTrackingOriginModes();
// We need to check for Unknown because we may not be in a state where we can read this data yet.
if (supportedModes == TrackingOriginModeFlags.Unknown)
return false;
// Convert from the request enum to the flags enum that is used by the subsystem
var equivalentFlagsMode = m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode == TrackingOriginMode.Device
? TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device
: TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor;
// ReSharper disable once BitwiseOperatorOnEnumWithoutFlags -- Treated like Flags enum when querying supported modes
if ((supportedModes & equivalentFlagsMode) == 0)
m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode = TrackingOriginMode.NotSpecified;
CurrentTrackingOriginMode = inputSubsystem.GetTrackingOriginMode();
Debug.LogWarning($"Attempting to set the tracking origin mode to {equivalentFlagsMode}, but that is not supported by the SDK." +
$" Supported types: {supportedModes:F}. Using the current mode of {CurrentTrackingOriginMode} instead.", this);
successful = inputSubsystem.TrySetTrackingOriginMode(equivalentFlagsMode);
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(TrackingOriginMode)}={m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode}");
return false;
if (successful)
if (CurrentTrackingOriginMode == TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device || m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode == TrackingOriginMode.Device)
successful = inputSubsystem.TryRecenter();
return successful;
void OnInputSubsystemTrackingOriginUpdated(XRInputSubsystem inputSubsystem)
CurrentTrackingOriginMode = inputSubsystem.GetTrackingOriginMode();
IEnumerator RepeatInitializeCamera()
m_CameraInitializing = true;
while (!m_CameraInitialized)
yield return null;
if (!m_CameraInitialized)
m_CameraInitialized = SetupCamera();
m_CameraInitializing = false;
/// <summary>
/// Rotates the XR origin object around the camera object by the provided <paramref name="angleDegrees"/>.
/// This rotation only occurs around the origin's Up vector
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angleDegrees">The amount of rotation in degrees.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the rotation is performed. Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool RotateAroundCameraUsingOriginUp(float angleDegrees)
return RotateAroundCameraPosition(m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.up, angleDegrees);
/// <summary>
/// Rotates the XR origin object around the camera object's position in world space using the provided <paramref name="vector"/>
/// as the rotation axis. The XR Origin object is rotated by the amount of degrees provided in <paramref name="angleDegrees"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vector">The axis of the rotation.</param>
/// <param name="angleDegrees">The amount of rotation in degrees.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the rotation is performed. Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool RotateAroundCameraPosition(Vector3 vector, float angleDegrees)
if (m_Camera == null || m_OriginBaseGameObject == null)
return false;
// Rotate around the camera position
m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.RotateAround(m_Camera.transform.position, vector, angleDegrees);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This function will rotate the XR Origin object such that the XR Origin's up vector will match the provided vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destinationUp">the vector to which the XR Origin object's up vector will be matched.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the rotation is performed or the vectors have already been matched.
/// Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool MatchOriginUp(Vector3 destinationUp)
if (m_OriginBaseGameObject == null)
return false;
if (m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.up == destinationUp)
return true;
var rigUp = Quaternion.FromToRotation(m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.up, destinationUp);
m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.rotation = rigUp * transform.rotation;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This function will rotate the XR Origin object around the camera object using the <paramref name="destinationUp"/> vector such that:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>
/// <description>The camera will look at the area in the direction of the <paramref name="destinationForward"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>The projection of camera's forward vector on the plane with the normal <paramref name="destinationUp"/> will be in the direction of <paramref name="destinationForward"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>The up vector of the XR Origin object will match the provided <paramref name="destinationUp"/> vector (note that the camera's Up vector can not be manipulated)</description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destinationUp">The up vector that the origin's up vector will be matched to.</param>
/// <param name="destinationForward">The forward vector that will be matched to the projection of the camera's forward vector on the plane with the normal <paramref name="destinationUp"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the rotation is performed. Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool MatchOriginUpCameraForward(Vector3 destinationUp, Vector3 destinationForward)
if (m_Camera != null && MatchOriginUp(destinationUp))
// Project current camera's forward vector on the destination plane, whose normal vector is destinationUp.
var projectedCamForward = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(m_Camera.transform.forward, destinationUp).normalized;
// The angle that we want the XROrigin to rotate is the signed angle between projectedCamForward and destinationForward, after the up vectors are matched.
var signedAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(projectedCamForward, destinationForward, destinationUp);
RotateAroundCameraPosition(destinationUp, signedAngle);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This function will rotate the XR Origin object around the camera object using the <paramref name="destinationUp"/> vector such that:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>
/// <description>The forward vector of the XR Origin object, which is the direction the player moves in Unity when walking forward in the physical world, will match the provided <paramref name="destinationUp"/> vector</description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>The up vector of the XR Origin object will match the provided <paramref name="destinationUp"/> vector</description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destinationUp">The up vector that the origin's up vector will be matched to.</param>
/// <param name="destinationForward">The forward vector that will be matched to the forward vector of the XR Origin object,
/// which is the direction the player moves in Unity when walking forward in the physical world.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the rotation is performed. Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool MatchOriginUpOriginForward(Vector3 destinationUp, Vector3 destinationForward)
if (m_OriginBaseGameObject != null && MatchOriginUp(destinationUp))
// The angle that we want the XR Origin to rotate is the signed angle between the origin's forward and destinationForward, after the up vectors are matched.
var signedAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.forward, destinationForward, destinationUp);
RotateAroundCameraPosition(destinationUp, signedAngle);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This function moves the camera to the world location provided by <paramref name="desiredWorldLocation"/>.
/// It does this by moving the XR Origin object so that the camera's world location matches the desiredWorldLocation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="desiredWorldLocation">the position in world space that the camera should be moved to</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the move is performed. Otherwise, returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public bool MoveCameraToWorldLocation(Vector3 desiredWorldLocation)
if (m_Camera == null)
return false;
var rot = Matrix4x4.Rotate(m_Camera.transform.rotation);
var delta = rot.MultiplyPoint3x4(OriginInCameraSpacePos);
m_OriginBaseGameObject.transform.position = delta + desiredWorldLocation;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void Awake()
if (m_CameraFloorOffsetObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("No Camera Floor Offset GameObject specified for XR Origin, using attached GameObject.", this);
m_CameraFloorOffsetObject = gameObject;
if (m_Camera == null)
var mainCamera = Camera.main;
if (mainCamera != null)
m_Camera = mainCamera;
Debug.LogWarning("No Main Camera is found for XR Origin, please assign the Camera field manually.", this);
// This will be the parent GameObject for any trackables (such as planes) for which
// we want a corresponding GameObject.
TrackablesParent = new GameObject("Trackables").transform;
TrackablesParent.SetParent(transform, false);
TrackablesParent.localScale =;
if (m_Camera)
var trackedPoseDriver = m_Camera.GetComponent<UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.TrackedPoseDriver>();
var trackedPoseDriverOld = m_Camera.GetComponent<UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.TrackedPoseDriver>();
if (trackedPoseDriver == null && trackedPoseDriverOld == null)
$"Camera \"{}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System), " +
"so its transform will not be updated by an XR device. In order for this to be " +
"updated, please add a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System) with bindings for position and rotation of the center eye.", this);
var trackedPoseDriverOld = m_Camera.GetComponent<UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.TrackedPoseDriver>();
if (trackedPoseDriverOld == null)
$"Camera \"{}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver, and com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers is installed. " +
"Although the Tracked Pose Driver from Legacy Input Helpers can be used, it is recommended to " +
"install com.unity.inputsystem instead and add a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System) with bindings for position and rotation of the center eye.", this);
var trackedPoseDriver = m_Camera.GetComponent<UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.TrackedPoseDriver>();
if (trackedPoseDriver == null)
$"Camera \"{}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System), " +
"so its transform will not be updated by an XR device. In order for this to be " +
"updated, please add a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System) with bindings for position and rotation of the center eye.", this);
$"Camera \"{}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver and com.unity.inputsystem is not installed, " +
"so its transform will not be updated by an XR device. In order for this to be " +
"updated, please install com.unity.inputsystem and add a Tracked Pose Driver (Input System) with bindings for position and rotation of the center eye.", this);
Pose GetCameraOriginPose()
var localOriginPose = Pose.identity;
var parent = m_Camera.transform.parent;
return parent
? parent.TransformPose(localOriginPose)
: localOriginPose;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void OnEnable() => Application.onBeforeRender += OnBeforeRender;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void OnDisable() => Application.onBeforeRender -= OnBeforeRender;
void OnBeforeRender()
if (m_Camera)
var pose = GetCameraOriginPose();
TrackablesParent.position = pose.position;
TrackablesParent.rotation = pose.rotation;
if (TrackablesParent.hasChanged)
new ARTrackablesParentTransformChangedEventArgs(this, TrackablesParent));
TrackablesParent.hasChanged = false;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void OnValidate()
if (m_OriginBaseGameObject == null)
m_OriginBaseGameObject = gameObject;
if (Application.isPlaying && isActiveAndEnabled)
// Respond to the mode changing by re-initializing the camera,
// or just update the offset height in order to avoid recentering.
if (IsModeStale())
bool IsModeStale()
if (s_InputSubsystems.Count > 0)
foreach (var inputSubsystem in s_InputSubsystems)
// Convert from the request enum to the flags enum that is used by the subsystem
TrackingOriginModeFlags equivalentFlagsMode;
switch (m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode)
case TrackingOriginMode.NotSpecified:
// Don't need to initialize the camera since we don't set the mode when NotSpecified (we just keep the current value)
return false;
case TrackingOriginMode.Device:
equivalentFlagsMode = TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device;
case TrackingOriginMode.Floor:
equivalentFlagsMode = TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(TrackingOriginMode)}={m_RequestedTrackingOriginMode}");
return false;
if (inputSubsystem != null && inputSubsystem.GetTrackingOriginMode() != equivalentFlagsMode)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void Start()
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void OnDestroy()
foreach (var inputSubsystem in s_InputSubsystems)
if (inputSubsystem != null)
inputSubsystem.trackingOriginUpdated -= OnInputSubsystemTrackingOriginUpdated;