The iPhone X and 15 (and maybe more) have an odd number of pixels, which forces this horrible red error on the top left of the screen. What is the fix for this? Every article I can find talks about setting the resolution to an even number in the editor, but that’s not the issue - the issue is that there are real world devices with odd numbers.
Is there a way to hide the message?
Is there a way to just render an even number (slice one pixel off the edge of an iPhone X)?
I can’t be the only one facing this issue.
UPDATE: I may have found a solution that I don’t see posted anywhere online.
if (Screen.currentResolution.width % 2 != 0)
Screen.SetResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width - 1, Screen.currentResolution.height, true);
if (Screen.currentResolution.height % 2 != 0)
Screen.SetResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height - 1, true);