How do I i fix error CS0619?

I can’t put in scripts with this error I hate it I can’t complete the game, how do I fix it?
Here’s the coding the error put out-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Object=UnityEngine.Object;

// When analyzing the available assets UpdateCharacterElementDatabase creates
// a CharacterElement for each possible element. For instance, one mesh with
// three possible textures results in three CharacterElements. All
// CharacterElements are saved as part the CharacterGenerator ScriptableObject,
// and can be used on runtime to download and load the assets required for the
// element they represent.
public class CharacterElement
public string name;
public string bundleName;

// The WWWs for retrieving the appropriate assetbundle are stored 
// statically, so CharacterElements that share an assetbundle can
// use the same WWW.
// path to assetbundle -> WWW for retieving required assets
static Dictionary<string, WWW> wwws = new Dictionary<string, WWW>();

// The required assets are loaded asynchronously to avoid delays
// when first using them. A LoadAsync results in an AssetBundleRequest
// which are stored here so we can check their progress and use the
// assets they contain once they are loaded.
AssetBundleRequest gameObjectRequest;
AssetBundleRequest materialRequest;
AssetBundleRequest boneNameRequest;

public CharacterElement(string name, string bundleName)
{ = name;
    this.bundleName = bundleName;

// Returns the WWW for retieving the assetbundle required for this 
// CharacterElement, and creates a WWW only if one doesnt exist already. 
public WWW WWW
        if (!wwws.ContainsKey(bundleName))
            wwws.Add(bundleName, new WWW(CharacterGenerator.AssetbundleBaseURL + bundleName));
        return wwws[bundleName];

// Checks whether the SkinnedMeshRenderer and Material for this
// CharacterElement are loaded, and starts the asynchronous loading
// of those assets if it has not started already.
public bool IsLoaded
        if (!WWW.isDone) return false;

        if (gameObjectRequest == null)
            gameObjectRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync("rendererobject", typeof(GameObject));

        if (materialRequest == null)
            materialRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync(name, typeof(Material));
		if (boneNameRequest == null)
            boneNameRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync("bonenames", typeof(StringHolder));

        if (!gameObjectRequest.isDone) return false;
        if (!materialRequest.isDone) return false;
        if (!boneNameRequest.isDone) return false;

        return true;

public SkinnedMeshRenderer GetSkinnedMeshRenderer()
    GameObject go = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(gameObjectRequest.asset);
    go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = (Material)materialRequest.asset;
    return (SkinnedMeshRenderer)go.GetComponent<Renderer>();

public string[] GetBoneNames()
	var holder = (StringHolder)boneNameRequest.asset;
    return holder.content;


Compiler Error CS0619

It means you are accessing a member that is marked as obsolete. It provides the library users (You) with information about what they (You) should do if they (You) were depending on that api (LoadAsync).

[Obsolete("Method LoadAsync has been deprecated. Script updater cannot update it as the loading behaviour has changed. Please use LoadAssetAsync instead and check the documentation for details.", true)]
public AssetBundleRequest LoadAsync(string name, Type type);

Unity have been kind enough to provide us with some info:

Method LoadAsync has been deprecated. Script updater cannot update it as the loading behaviour has changed. Please use LoadAssetAsync instead and check the documentation for details.

Ok, so let’s find LoadAssetAsync in the docs. There we can see:

Prior to version 5.0, users could fetch individual components directly using LoadAsync. This is not supported anymore. Instead, please use LoadAssetAsync to load the game object first and then look up the component on the object.

So you’ll have to modify your script according to the suggestions in the documentation.