I can’t put in scripts with this error I hate it I can’t complete the game, how do I fix it?
Here’s the coding the error put out-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Object=UnityEngine.Object;
// When analyzing the available assets UpdateCharacterElementDatabase creates
// a CharacterElement for each possible element. For instance, one mesh with
// three possible textures results in three CharacterElements. All
// CharacterElements are saved as part the CharacterGenerator ScriptableObject,
// and can be used on runtime to download and load the assets required for the
// element they represent.
public class CharacterElement
public string name;
public string bundleName;
// The WWWs for retrieving the appropriate assetbundle are stored
// statically, so CharacterElements that share an assetbundle can
// use the same WWW.
// path to assetbundle -> WWW for retieving required assets
static Dictionary<string, WWW> wwws = new Dictionary<string, WWW>();
// The required assets are loaded asynchronously to avoid delays
// when first using them. A LoadAsync results in an AssetBundleRequest
// which are stored here so we can check their progress and use the
// assets they contain once they are loaded.
AssetBundleRequest gameObjectRequest;
AssetBundleRequest materialRequest;
AssetBundleRequest boneNameRequest;
public CharacterElement(string name, string bundleName)
this.name = name;
this.bundleName = bundleName;
// Returns the WWW for retieving the assetbundle required for this
// CharacterElement, and creates a WWW only if one doesnt exist already.
public WWW WWW
if (!wwws.ContainsKey(bundleName))
wwws.Add(bundleName, new WWW(CharacterGenerator.AssetbundleBaseURL + bundleName));
return wwws[bundleName];
// Checks whether the SkinnedMeshRenderer and Material for this
// CharacterElement are loaded, and starts the asynchronous loading
// of those assets if it has not started already.
public bool IsLoaded
if (!WWW.isDone) return false;
if (gameObjectRequest == null)
gameObjectRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync("rendererobject", typeof(GameObject));
if (materialRequest == null)
materialRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync(name, typeof(Material));
if (boneNameRequest == null)
boneNameRequest = WWW.assetBundle.LoadAsync("bonenames", typeof(StringHolder));
if (!gameObjectRequest.isDone) return false;
if (!materialRequest.isDone) return false;
if (!boneNameRequest.isDone) return false;
return true;
public SkinnedMeshRenderer GetSkinnedMeshRenderer()
GameObject go = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(gameObjectRequest.asset);
go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = (Material)materialRequest.asset;
return (SkinnedMeshRenderer)go.GetComponent<Renderer>();
public string[] GetBoneNames()
var holder = (StringHolder)boneNameRequest.asset;
return holder.content;