I’m building a towerdefence where I instantiate lots of npc that follow a same path, but then I get the following error when I instantiate the second npc:
ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,iTweenPath].Add (System.String key, .iTweenPath value)
iTweenPath.OnEnable () (at Assets/Pixelplacement/iTweenPath/iTweenPath.cs:39)
script_01_BeachTutorial:AddEnemy(GameObject, Vector3, String, Single) (at Assets/Scripts/Controls/Levels/script_01_BeachTutorial.cs:70)
script_01_BeachTutorial:Update() (at Assets/Scripts/Controls/Levels/script_01_BeachTutorial.cs:36)
And this is what I’m using to instantiate a new enemy:
void AddEnemy(GameObject EnemyType, Vector3 EnemyPosition, string PathToFollow, float PathTime)
GameObject Enemy = (GameObject)Instantiate(EnemyType);
script_EnemyWaypointer Script = Enemy.GetComponent<script_EnemyWaypointer>();
Enemy.transform.position = EnemyPosition;
Script.PathToFollow = PathToFollow;
Script.PathTime = PathTime;
Script.UseTimeAndIgnoreSpeed = true;
ps: Sorry about the bold, it’s just highlight text from code
Thanks in advance ^^