How do I Instantiate my bullet with a velocity going up? 2D

Here is what I have so far but it instantiates at my player but I want the bullet going up at a constant speed while spawning at my player to begin with.


public Transform bullet;

Update Function:

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))

Any help would be great. Thanks

Good day.

Now you only need to create a new script, and add it to the bullet prefab. At that script, there must be a code for moving the bullet.

Go look some tutorials about moving objects.


Probably looks something like this. Put this onto your bullet prefab

Vector2 velocity; // Our movement velocity

void Awake()
     velocity = transform.up; // Placeholder default velocity // Change to whatever you need

void Update()
     // Update our position based on our new-found velocity
     transform.position += velocity * Time.deltaTime * speed;