For those of you familiar with matlab, I’m simply trying to perform an interp1, but I can’t seem to find a similar function in javascript. I’m sure I’m just overlooking it, despite hours of research! Here’s my problem:
I’m importing a text file of data into a 2d array (though I’m open to suggestions otherwise) and I would like to input an x value and return an interpolated y value.
The text file looks something like this:
5 20
6 21
7 25
etc, etc.
In matlab I would simply write:
y = interp1(xdata,ydata,x)
where x is my input and y is my result. Any ideas on how to perform this in js?
I didn’t really like the AnimationCurve solution Mike posted below. I suppose it could have worked, but it was not intended for what I was attempting to do – evaluate data. So I wrote a simple function that essentially mimics what Matlab’s interp1 does.
function InterpX(x){ //linearly interpret a Y value given an X input
arraylength = dataPairs.length - 1; // get # of rows of my array
for (var i = 0; i < arraylength; i++){ //start for loop to look through each data point
var index = i; //save current value of i for use later since using i directly fucks it up
//get x and y value for i position
var NumA = parseFloat(dataPairs*[0]);*
_ var NumC = parseFloat(dataPairs*[1]);*_
* //get x and y value from data for i + 1 position* * if(index < arraylength){* * var NumB = parseFloat(dataPairs[index + 1][0]);* * var NumD = parseFloat(dataPairs[index + 1][1]);}*
* //find which data points our x input falls between* * if (NumA < x && x < NumB){* * var DeltaAB = Mathf.Abs(NumB - NumA); //Get difference between the two x values* * var DeltaxAB = x - Mathf.Min(NumA,NumB); //Our input minus whichever value is lowest* * var Ratio = DeltaxAB/DeltaAB; // ratio of our input to the span between A and B* * Debug.Log(x + ’ is between ’ + NumA + ’ and ’ + NumB);*
* var DeltaCD = Mathf.Abs(NumD - NumC); //Get difference between the two y values* _ var y = (DeltaCD * Ratio) + Mathf.Min(NumC,NumD); //Linear interpolation of y_ * Debug.Log(‘y:’ + y);*
* break; //end i loop* * }* * }* } //end function InterpX There may be more efficient ways to have written this function – and I’m open to suggestions to improve it – but all that really matters is that I can now process some data I wanted to post this in case anybody else is ever looking for a similar function. Of course the prerequisite prior to calling the function is that you have imported data from a file to an array which is called dataPairs here. Thanks again for the help, Mike! Much appreciated.