How do I keep a Custom Cursor (GUITexture) on top of UnityGUI controls?
I've tried using layers with the cursor layer the highest Depth number on its camera, but my GUITexture is still underneath the control, box, lable, whatever
How do I keep a Custom Cursor (GUITexture) on top of UnityGUI controls?
I've tried using layers with the cursor layer the highest Depth number on its camera, but my GUITexture is still underneath the control, box, lable, whatever
UnityGUI is drawn last of all. Because of this there is no way to get anything outside of UnityGUI to draw on top of your UnityGUI.
My suggestion to you is to use OnGUI to draw your custom cursor using GUI.DrawTexture().
Hope that helps.
go into your script and in the OnGUI method type GUI.depth = 0; "0" being it gets shown on top of all things. hope this helped.
THANK for help.