How do I know if it's Unity Editor bug or My Code?

I’ve been seeing a bug where it is different between runs, but when I change a comment // and save and recompile the bug disappears. How do I figure out if it’s my code or a unity Bug?
It’s pretty inconsistent - but defiantly annoying! Hahahah!

With zero information on what you’re trying to do, and what isn’t working, and the code in question, it’s impossible to say.

I run it once it works, the next run with no changes to the code, no changes to scriptable objects. The error pops up. it’s swapping items index 1 with index 27. But really if I’m going to chase this bug I want to make sure it’s my code and not the editor.

I just ran it again with zero code changes and it works fine. like I said not consistent.

How are we meant to answer that with next to zero information?

What’s the error? What are you trying to do? Post the code relevant to the error and what you’re trying to do.

We cannot help without any information.

More severe version of this type of bug. Was that all of the sudden code that was working perfectly, started crashing. Looked at the code and after of hour of trying to fix the bug. I decided to remove all the ‘fixes’ and just reboot the computer. BLAM! everything worked again.

There has to be a way to differentiate System/ Editor bugs and Actual code bugs?
Because I could royally F#%k myself fixing a bug that is caused by the editor or a system error.
I’d be happy to provides logs or info if someone would tell me what to turn on / or do in the editor or logger to enable.

Once again: if you don’t post any use information - such as the code in question - no one can help you with this.