How Do I Know If My Unity Project is Corrupted?

I recently started using Google Drive for Desktop to backup previous versions of my project to the cloud. However, I noticed an error message (Included at the end of the question) that seems to only have occurred once I started doing this syncing process, leading to my concern that the project may have been corrupted.

To be more specific, I synced my most recent version of my project to Google Drive in Finder, and then opened up the project in Unity and began working on it. So at the same time that I was modifying my Unity project, Google Drive for Desktop was also syncing it in the background. This was also when I noticed the error message first start to occur. The error message seemed to occur in the editor, not at runtime, but honestly I don’t know what the rhyme or reason is that triggers it.

I tried “un-syncing” this project, but the error message still did not go away. I have included the error message below, and I would love to know if my backup/syncing process resulted in data corruption, or if something else is going on. If it is a corrupt Unity project, what options do I have to restore my project? (Since my most recent version was syncing, I do not have an ideal backup that is only stored locally on my device). Here is the error message:

currentFileSystemTime.ticks != 0 using check file Temp/FSTimeGet-c8192fbeef84144988abb617607800ab => /Users/jamesmurphy/TikiTides/230925/Temp/FSTimeGet-c8192fbeef84144988abb617607800ab (file exists no, folder exists no)
 #0 GetStacktrace(int)
 #1 DebugStringToFile(DebugStringToFileData const&)
 #2 AssertImplementation(int, char const*, int, int, char const*)
 #3 GetCurrentFileSystemTime()
 #4 core::function_ref<void (SourceAssetDBWriteTxn&)>::function_ref<SourceAssetScanner::Refresh(ScanFilter const&, GuidReservations&)::$_3, (void*)0>(SourceAssetScanner::Refresh(ScanFilter const&, GuidReservations&)::$_3&&)::'lambda'(void*, SourceAssetDBWriteTxn&)::__invoke(void*, SourceAssetDBWriteTxn&)
 #5 LMDB_Transaction::Run(core::function_ref<void (LMDB_Transaction&)>)
 #6 SourceAssetDBWriteTxn::Run(core::function_ref<void (SourceAssetDBWriteTxn&)>)
 #7 SourceAssetScanner::Refresh(ScanFilter const&, GuidReservations&)
 #8 Scan(ScanFilter const&)
 #9 Scan(ScanFilter const&, core::hash_set<core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>>, core::hash<core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>>>, std::__1::equal_to<core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>>>>&, AssetNotifications&, core::hash_set<UnityGUID, core::hash<UnityGUID>, std::__1::equal_to<UnityGUID>>&, core::hash_set<UnityGUID, core::hash<UnityGUID>, std::__1::equal_to<UnityGUID>>&, core::hash_set<UnityGUID, core::hash<UnityGUID>, std::__1::equal_to<UnityGUID>>&)
 #10 RefreshInternalV2(AssetDatabase::UpdateAssetOptions, ScanFilter const&, InternalRefreshFlagsV2)
 #11 StopAssetImportingV2Internal(AssetDatabase::UpdateAssetOptions, InternalRefreshFlagsV2, ScanFilter const*, char const*)
 #12 RefreshV2(AssetDatabase::UpdateAssetOptions)
 #13 AssetDatabase::Refresh(AssetDatabase::UpdateAssetOptions)
 #14 Application::AutoRefresh()
 #15 -[EditorApplication applicationDidBecomeActive:]
 #17 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke
 #18 _CFXRegistrationPost
 #19 _CFXNotificationPost
 #20 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
 #21 -[NSApplication _handleActivatedEvent:]
 #22 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:]
 #23 -[EditorApplicationPrincipalClass sendEvent:]
 #24 -[EditorApplication TickTimer]
 #25 __NSFireTimer
 #27 __CFRunLoopDoTimer
 #28 __CFRunLoopDoTimers
 #29 __CFRunLoopRun
 #30 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #31 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
 #32 ReceiveNextEventCommon
 #33 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter
 #34 _DPSNextEvent
 #35 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
 #36 -[NSApplication run]
 #37 NSApplicationMain
 #38 EditorMain(int, char const**)
 #39 main
 #40 start

You should probably not use an active drive-like backup solution for source control. Use Git, Plastic, SVN, for example.

Try deleting your LIbrary folder to force a project report, which will hopefully fix your corruption. If you want to continue trying Drive, make sure you’ve ignored the Library folder in regards to syncing, and preferably everything in the standard Unity gitignore.