I’m trying the code here
But it launches the app, and not the link, I mean, it doesn’t take me to the profile I’m giving it
I’ve tried
and twitter://www.twitter.com/3davenue but it doesn’t work.
The facebook one worked, using Application.OpenURL(“fb://profile/289896607788470”); and Application.OpenURL(“Redirecting...”); in case it fails, but I can’t get it to work for Twitter.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Application.OpenURL(“twitter://3D_Avenue”); doesn’t work though. It launches the app but not to the profile, just wherever it was the last time it was used.
works for me. Replace username
Just did that, it works perfect, thanks!
I use a co-routine. Not my idea, I got it from a thread, but don’t have the link.
void OnApplicationPause(bool inIsPause)
this.mIsAppLeft = true;
IEnumerator OpenFacebook()
Application.OpenURL("fb://profile/################");//replace #'s w/ fb profile id
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
if (this.mIsAppLeft)
this.mIsAppLeft = false;
Application.OpenURL("http://www.facebook.com/mypage");//replace mypage
IEnumerator OpenTwitter()
Application.OpenURL("twitter:///user?screen_name=username");//repace username
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
if (this.mIsAppLeft)
this.mIsAppLeft = false;
Application.OpenURL("http://www.twitter.com/username");//replace username
I get this error
Assets/Resources/Scripts/Menu/TwitterButton.cs(28,9): error CS1061: Type TwitterButton' does not contain a definition for
mIsAppLeft’ and no extension method mIsAppLeft' of type
TwitterButton’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have this code, but I have a weird issue, if it takes too long to open, or if I don’t have Twitter on my recent apps, it launches Twitter, but after a couple of seconds, it launches Safari with the link.
If I do however have the Twitter app on my recents, it launches correctly.
What should I do? Here’s the code.
void OnClick() {
Debug.Log("called ngui twitter function");
float startTime;
startTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
//open the twitter app
if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - startTime <= 1f)
//fail. Open safari.
I tried changing the time comparison (the 1f) to 10f, but it didn’t really help on an iPhone 4, on which Twitter takes like 15 seconds to launch, I wondered if I could avoid using a timer for this, nocanwin’s solution seems to be similar on this regard, but I wasn’t able to test it because of the error I get mentioned on my previous post.
Thanks, this is what I needed