How do I link Position and Scale?

Hi everyone,

I am an animator and not a programmer so please bare with me as I do my best to ask a programmy question :slight_smile:

I created a photoshop scene which has 3 layers: Foreground, Midground and Background.

I imported these layers onto 3 separate planes in Unity as textures and set the planes up in 3D space so I could create a parallax effect between the 3 layers when I move the camera.

When I moved the Midground and Foreground planes closer to the camera I had to scale them down so they maintained the correct size in relation to the Background.

Does anyone know if there a way in Unity to link the position and scale properties of a plane? I have lots of scenes to set up in Unity so it would be awesome if the planes scaled down automatically as I moved them closer to the camera.


You probably want an Orthographic camera.

Here, try this script. The “scale” parameter is the global scale factor, which should be set the same for all layers. Change “targetCamera” if you want a camera other than the main camera controlling the scale.

using UnityEngine;

class ScaleFromDistance : MonoBehaviour
    public Camera targetCamera = null;
    public float scale = 1;
    void Update()
        Camera usedTargetCamera = (targetCamera == null) ? Camera.main : targetCamera;
        float overallScale = scale * usedTargetCamera.transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position).z;
        transform.localScale = * overallScale;
        if (Application.isPlaying)