How do I lower tris on terrain?

I’m still very new to Unity… and today I’ve been playing with the terrain editor. Everything works perfectly.

My only issue is that I will be making my games mainly for iPhone… so I need small tris count (I hear around 7k) … But the terrain adds so much. How can I lower my terrain tris count? Make it more low-res?

My understanding is that even though I think terrains are supported for the iPhone, it’s not recommended to use them (for the reason that they consume too much processing power).

See also:

Thanks! … by “hand-rolling” … does that mean use something like 3D Max or Cinema 4D to create my terrains?

Again thanks!

“Hand-rolling” means using any other way of creating terrain surfaces other than our built-in system. Whether you do that in Max, C4D, Maya, by importing a height map and building one on the fly, whatever. In all of those cases you’re going to have far more control over the poly count and get yourself in-line with the detail levels required for decent iPhone/iPod touch performance.