Okay, here’s my issue. I have a 3D sidescroller set up with a nice player and a camera that follows him all coded in C#. In this particular sidescroller, I will be giving the opportunity for choices! Yay, right?..Wrong. When my player enters the trigger I have set for the choices, nothing shows up. The buttons are there, but they do not show up in the game view or when test playing. It is VERY frustrating. I have used this particular script before to do a jumpscare, and it has worked, however the buttons simply refuse to show up. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Here is the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class JumpScare : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject jumpscareObject;
void Start () {
jumpscareObject.SetActive (false);
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider player) {
if (player.tag == "Player") {
jumpscareObject.SetActive (true);
StartCoroutine (DestroyObject ());
IEnumerator DestroyObject()
yield return new WaitForSeconds (5f);
Destroy (jumpscareObject);
Destroy (gameObject);
P.S. If anyone could also help with another goal I have that I can’t seem to figure out, how would I get these buttons to go away upon clicking them?