Hi! I just fixed with networking and now I’ve finally been able to connect myself up globally. However, there’s a problem. I have no idea, whatsoever how I will get a specific instantiated camera to follow a specific instantiated gameobject. I am using the camerafollow script as following:
`using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SmoothCam : MonoBehaviour {
public float mFollowRate = 1f;
public float mFollowHeight = 20f;
public Transform target;
void Start(){
enabled = false;
void LateUpdate () {
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp( transform.position,
target.position +
new Vector3(0f, (mFollowHeight - target.position.y), 0f),
Time.deltaTime * mFollowRate);
So. Exactly how will I make my specific camera, when instantiated follow the specific instantiated GameObject?