Short things short, is there any (free) way to store a variable (preferrably a dictionary, but integers would suffice) on the cloud?
I want to be able to do roughly this:
using SomeService;
class ExampleClass : Monobehaviour
SomeService.CreateInt("exampleInt", 5);
var result = SomeService.GetInt("previouslyCreatedInt");
SomeService.SetInt("exampleInt", 8);
Debug.Log(SomeService.GetInt("exampleInt")); // Returns 8
I also want other players playing the game to be able to get the updated int in real time. Is there some service that does this? I tried RemoteConfig (can’t set the value), CloudCode (can’t even persistently store a variable), and CloudSave (only works for singleplayer).
One more thing:
In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, in Cloud Save, in Game Data, the whole thing is blank. I cannot create any values for some reason. Here is an image: