How do i make a crafting table

I’ve been seeing how to make a crafting recipe but not how to make a crafting table
please help.

I guess you mean a crafting table, similar to the crafting table in Minecraft?

You’d create patterns for items. Then you test if the pattern exist in the table. If multiple patterns exist in the table, choose the biggest pattern (for example a door may be 2x3 and a box may be 2x2 - the door trumps the box).

You can see the solution to another answer I provided, which contain a basic pattern matching algorithm.

Then you could define patterns for your recepies:

 int[,] boxPattern = {
     { 1, 1 },
     { 1, 1 },
 int[,] doorPattern = {
     { 1, 1 },
     { 1, 1 },
     { 1, 1 },
 int[,] chestPattern = {
     { 1, 1, 1 },
     { 1, 1, 1 },

…For example (1 could mean “wood” or whatever material you want, it’s up to you do decide).

Then you could bind patterns to items.

// To give patterns a name, basically...
class Recepie
    public string name;
    public int[,] pattern;

And add other information you want to include in your crafting process, it’s up to you.

Finally, you can test it as HasPattern(table, recepie.pattern) to see if you got a match.

If you do, save the result and try the next recepie. The “biggest” recepie will then be selected as the item the player wanted to craft, and so you can craft that item Craft(