How do I make a door move without a GUI button?

How would i make a Door go up without a GUI button? I wanted to make it so you can press the button on a wall or something like that. Five Nights at Freddy’s is a good example of what im going for, but in unity. So could i like bind a command to a cube and when you click the cube the door closes/opens. Also when in use can i make it a diff color so you know its in use?

Aslo Can i make it go up and down instead of up and up and up?

It’s your lucky day, I was demoing something similar the other day to a group of students and I can share the project with you.

In this project we have world space UI, you click the button and it kicks off the animation to make the platform across the scene fly and join up to the platform you are on. Screenshot - 52bb05fc8f6ef6f56d02650d5fd842f1 - Gyazo

zip file here (

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ok, im sorry but im REALLY new. Thank you for the solution, but is it posible you can retell me that again but explain what a world space ui is. thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

World space UI is a user interface that is located in the world rather than directly in front of the player’s camera (also called screen space). In the screenshot below, the “OPEN?” graphic is a button in world space.

oooo, thx, i learn as i go. But ive been told b4 i go into that stuff keep making pong games and then a space invador, pong gamex2 space invador x2 pac man x3 and then dive into that stuffz

Simple games are recommended because they allow you to focus on learning Unity without having to worry about anything particularly complex. I generally recommend creating Pong, then upgrading it into Breakout, and finally into Arkanoid.

Each game is only slightly more complex than the previous with Breakout adding breakable blocks and Arkanoid adding simple enemies and power-ups.

idk the last 2 games but ill google it