How do I make a good Ai for my FPS Parkour game

I’m lost on this someone help me out

It’s no different from any other AI: you model your entire scene as a graph that can be fed into some kind of graph traversal system like Astar or whatever, then you make your agents use that graph and traversal system to navigate the world.

And for parkour type stuff, you just make linkages between high / low areas that the agents can follow, complete with metadata telling the agent to climb here, as well as probably annotations in the scene marking which ledges the can hang onto when moving.

Your first viable point should be a multi-level set of planes with inter-plane linkages and just make the AIs capable of leaping from low to high or high to low.

Until you have that working, nothing about parkour or clever climbing / tumbling on rollout matters, so focus on the hard problems first.