How do I make a horse?

Do you know any tutorial to make a horse (that moves, of course) for unity 3D?
I’m just beggining, so let’s say I know nothing.
Thank you.

You need two consenting adult horses. Set the mood.

You can skip the modelling and just BUY a 3D horse here:

After that you import the horse into Unity3D, add the object and THEN the real fun starts.

  1. does it have to be animated, if so - the model MUST contain animations/bones

  2. movement is called Translate in Unity3D.

Actually, there’s a tutorial project Locomotion System | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store that takes care of foot placement, even for multi-legged creatures.

You dont. You get a 3D program and design/model it with animation bones and then export it for Unity3D.

Search for Blender. Its a free 3D application for designing such and is compatible with Unity file formats.

And you can even get horse animations from Mixamo.