I have created a simple car game in Unity, and I’m adding the finishing touches to end the development. I have already made a car controller, programmed wheel colliders and cameras, I just would like to know how to add a hit reaction rag doll system to the civilians on the sidewalk so when they get hit by a car a rag doll is triggered and they go flying.
A few ways to do this but I think the simplest ( for me ) is to have a trigger collider on the civilians with a script to instantiate a ragdoll.
make a copy of your civilian model and use the ragdoll wizard to create a ragdoll version of that civilian. drag that into your prefab folder to make it a prefab.
have a rigidbody and a collider on your car and tag it something…like “car”
put a script like the one below on each civilian. when the car collides with the civilians trigger ( and script) it destroys the civilian and replaces it with a ragdoll.you can use the same script for each civilian, just drag the appropriate ragdoll into the “prefab” slot
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class GenericCivillianHurt : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject prefab; void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) { if(other.tag == "Car")
Instantiate(prefab, transform.position , transform.rotation);
Destroy(gameObject);} }