How do i make a sprite bounce of another???

I am trying to make a bricks breaking game for my YouTube ( Matt H - YouTube ).
I cant find the way to i) Bounce the ball of the player ii) end the game after the player’s ball goes off the screen
Plz help meh :l

For bouncing make a physics material with a higher bounce value (0.7-0.95) and bounce combine of maximum. For the game over when the ball goes offscreen use this function on the ball

void OnBecameInvisible()

Okay, so create two bricks with box colliders on them, and put a rigid body on the one that is dropping(not the floor). Then go to CREATE and add a physics material 2D, and change bounciness to 0.7 and friction to 0. Then drag this into the rigid body, and then if you play, you’re brick will bounce on the other. You can mess with the rigid body to make higher bounces, but make sure you have everything I highlighted