Ok, so… I’m trying to make a multiplayer game with NetworkView. Ive got the connection working from Client to Server. As you can see here… its written in C#
Now what you see here is ‘Player 0’. The way ive achieved that is by
public int playerCount = 0;
void OnPlayerConnected (NetworkPlayer player) {
PlayerLog.PlayerListAddEvent ("Player " + playerCount);
eventLog.AddEvent ("Player " + playerCount + " - " + "Connected from " + "'" + player.ipAddress + ":" + player.port + "'!");
but id like the ‘0’ to be the players name… i cant do it! I know i have to use RPC… but can someone get me started?
i have three scripts. Server, Connect, and Player
Server is obviously the server controls;
Connect how you connect to the server;
and Player is what spawns when you connect to the server.
Now in Player i have put the OnGUI function to bring up a textbox which you can write your name in and set. but how do i get it to the server?
public static string myUserName = "";
void OnGUI () {
myUserName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 100,Screen.height / 2 - 25 , 200, 20), myUserName, 20);