How do I make an Active 3D AI Ragdoll like in this video?

I am trying to figure out how to create an Active 3D AI ragdolls and how to make a script that controls them like in these videos.

I can not seem to find any good youtube videos of someone showing how to build the ragdoll and then writing a script to control the ragdoll to move like that. Does anyone have any good videos that shows how to build and control something like this?
  1. Create ragdoll using wizard Unity - Manual: Create a ragdoll
  2. Create array with rigidbodies and colliders attached to the npc
  3. Disable on start all rigidbodies an colliders via script
  4. Create method which is called when you want to turn on ragdoll

In this method:

-Disable NavMeshAgent

-Disable Animator

-Iterate through arrays and enable all components

-(Optional) You can add force to rigidbodies

Useful tuts: