How do I make collider isometric tilemap cast shadows on base tilemap?

Im trying to get z as y tiles cast shadows on the tiles below them. I have two tilemaps. One is an isometric z as y tilemap with a collider and the other is the same thing just without the collider.The former is in a sorting layer above the latter. Does anyone know how?

This is what im aiming for. The stairs and half blocks are on the collider tilemap and I want it cast shadows on the other tilemap beneath it (the black lines).

Thanks to anyone who helps :slight_smile:

This can be accomplished by having a second tilemap layered on top of the first with its own shadow caster.

Thanks for the reply! Do you know if there would be a way to make it so that the casters shapes are generated automatically?

I believe that’s what the “Use Renderer Silhouette” option does, but if it doesn’t meet your need, I’ve heard good things about this asset: Smart Lighting 2D | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store