How do I make it so a picture pops up onto my screen using Math.Range()?

I was planning on making an SCP game with unity, and i’m really new to the engine, so would someone be able to tell me how to make a face pop up onto my screen randomly with Math.Range()?

(PS. I couldn’t find an answer to this question anywhere)

Do you mean Random.Range?
This is useful if you want to create a random number - in this case that could be used to set a random amount of time before the face/texture is shown.

Step by step:

  1. Create a new texture by going to GameObject > Create Other > GUI Texture in the menu
  2. Click on the GUI texture object and in the properties window select the texture & height/width you want to use
  3. Now create a script and write a timer - here you can use the random.range to give the time variable a random value

The script could look like this (javascript):

var timer : float = 0;

var counter : float = 0;

var FaceTexture : GUITexture;
function Start() {

 //set random time

 timer = Random.Range(5.0, 10.0);


fucntion Update() {

 //make counter count up by adding time that past since last frame

 counter += Time.deltaTime;

 if(counter >= timer)

  //show face texture

  FaceTexture.enabled = true;

