How do i make multiple waypoints?

Hi guys i manged to make one way point that is attached to a target and it tells the distance between the target and the player

Now im trying to add 5 more and thats what i cant figure out. So im trying to make 6 way points with each target telling the player the distance between the player and target

This is my code

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Waypoint : MonoBehaviour


private Image iconImg;

private Text distanceText;

public Transform Player;
public Transform Target;
public Camera Camera;

public float closeDistance;

// Update is called once per frame
private void Start()
    iconImg = GetComponent<Image>();
    distanceText = GetComponentInChildren<Text>();

private void Update()
    if(Target != null)

private void GetDistance()
    float dist = Vector3.Distance(Player.position, Target.position);
    distanceText.text = dist.ToString("f1") + "m";
    if(dist < closeDistance)


private void CheckOnScreen()
    float thing = Vector3.Dot((Target.position - Camera.transform.position).normalized, Camera.transform.forward);

    if(thing <= 0)
        transform.position = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Target.position);

private void ToggleUI(bool _value)
    iconImg.enabled = _value;
    distanceText.enabled = _value;


Thanks in advance

Make an Array of GameObjects for your targets

public Transform[] Target = new Transform[6];  //Make an Array for your targets 
 public Camera Camera;
 public float closeDistance;
 // Update is called once per frame
 private void Start()
     iconImg = GetComponent<Image>();
     distanceText = GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
 private void Update()
int targetCounter = 0;  //Loop through the Array and check if Transform is not null
foreach(var target in Target){
if(target != null){
     if(targetCounter > 0)  //Check if Array is larger than 0
     } else {
     Debug.Log("No more targets");   //Array Length is 0
 private void GetDistance()
foreach(var target in Target){  //Loop through the Array and check distance tothe waypoints
     float dist = Vector3.Distance(Player.position, target.position);
     distanceText.text = dist.ToString("f1") + "m";
     if(dist < closeDistance)
         Destroy(gameObject); //If you want to remove the waypoints instead of the gameobject you have to set target to null

 private void CheckOnScreen()
foreach(var target in Target){ //Loop through the array and check if target is on screen
     float thing = Vector3.Dot((target.position - Camera.transform.position).normalized, Camera.transform.forward);
     if(thing <= 0)
         transform.position = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(target.position);

 private void ToggleUI(bool _value)
     iconImg.enabled = _value;
     distanceText.enabled = _value;