How do I make my knife stab in a tree?

I have my knife throwing script here, but how do I make my knife stab?
I tryed MyRigidbody.velocity =; Destroy (MyGameObject.GetCompponent());
MyRigidBody.isKinematic = true; etc.
Here is my throw script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Throwinit : MonoBehaviour {
	public Rigidbody rocketPrefab;
	public Transform barrelEnd;
	public float Speed = 750f;
	public float rotateSpeed = 750f;
	public int maxKnifes = 4;
	public int currentKnifes = 4;
	void Update ()
			if (maxKnifes <= 0)
			Rigidbody rocketInstance;
			rocketInstance = Instantiate(rocketPrefab, barrelEnd.position, barrelEnd.rotation) as Rigidbody;
			rocketInstance.AddForce(barrelEnd.forward * Speed);
			rocketInstance.AddTorque(barrelEnd.right * rotateSpeed);
			maxKnifes = currentKnifes -1;
			currentKnifes = maxKnifes;

Can someone help me?

What you want to do is add a script to the knife object that you’re throwing. Here’s my script I used to make it stop ONLY if it hits a tree:

public float stickMinSpeed = 0; // min speed for the knife to stick to a tree. I kept it a 0 just for testing

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
	if (col.gameObject.tag == "Tree" /* You could also create a "Wood" tag */ && GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.magnitude >= stickMinSpeed) {
		GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().isKinematic = true;


Now it will only become kinematic if it hits the tree.

I had the same issue for a while and found this tutorial on youtube 1