How do i make my player sprite change, when entering a powerup?

I am making a start 2d platformer, actually my first game i got the walking, jumping and collisions working
But now when i’ve got to make powerups i wondered how i make a player sprite change to another in a certain amount of time.

To change the sprite you need the SpriteRenderer, if your script is in the same game object as it, you can call.

GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = /*The sprite you want.*/

For the time you can use Coroutines or Invoke.


private IEnumerator ChangeSprite()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(/*Time*/);

        //Change sprite.

You must call this way:


And you need to add using System.Collections;


private void ChangeSprite()
        //Change Sprite

You must call like this: Invoke("ChangeSprite", /*Time*/);

For more info you can check:
