I have seen this question asked before, and even answered slightly, but I must ask this question just so I can fully understand step by step how this is done. As the question states I need to know how to update my colliders to match my sprite so that I on’t have issues such as a levitating death animation, or confusing collision during jumps, etc. Here is a video showing my animations and how the collider stays in its original form. I saw others mention using arrays and lists, but no detail on how to set it up. I even tried just borrowing the code, but of course that did not work, because I didn’t know what to assign to where. So please if you provide an answer, or link me to a previous answer, please be courteous enough to walk me through what I need to do (step-by-step) to achieve my goal.
That webpage provides a tutorial on how to do what I needed. Word of caution, if you have detailed 10+ frame animations you will have to create many polygoncollider2Ds… In addition you have to create an index and function for each separate animation such as run, attack, die, etc.
create the animation in a GameObject Who Have already a collider normally the collider is moving whit the position of the GAMEOBJECT