How do I make my scripts more affective?

Here is my script:
using UnityEngine;

      public class RaycastShoot : MonoBehaviour
          private bool shoot = true;
          private float range = 300f;
          private float timer;
          private RaycastHit hit;
          private Transform  myTransform;
          void Start()
              myTransform = transform;
          void Update()
              timer -= Time.deltaTime;
              if (timer < 0)
                  timer = 0;
              timer += Time.deltaTime;
              if (timer >= .2)
          void Shoot ()
              if (Input.GetButton("Fire1")&&shoot==true)
                  Debug.DrawRay(myTransform.TransformPoint(0, 0, 1f), myTransform.forward,, 3);
                  if (Physics.Raycast(myTransform.TransformPoint(0, 0, .1f), myTransform.forward, out hit, range))
                      if (hit.transform.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                          Debug.Log("Enemy" +;
                          Debug.Log("Not an enemy");

is there a way to simplify this and still have it work?

You could look into ternary conditionals:

You could reduce some if statements to a single line, though they might be harder to read.

@SynergyStudios, actually, that’s short as script code goes.

However, I doubt it works all that well. There are points about logic and style that deserve attention.

void Update()

Actually, Shoot isn’t the right name here. Shoot implies that shooting should be performed, but what you’re doing here is checking to see if the user has hit the shoot key, and if shooting is enabled.

The reason Update should not do all of this is about localization of logic. Update can tend to become a winding, long and unscrupulous spaghetti of code if the habit is to do specific tasks inside the Update function. Update should be an executive, directing from a higher level perspective.

For example, not a suggested change but an illustrative outline:

void Update()
 if ( GunIsReady() == true && CheckFiringKey() == true ) 

This is an executive design. It is an outline of all the higher level thinking. Each function is doing a smaller job leading to the entire result, and each smaller function is likely to be clearer, cleaner and easier to understand in the future.

That said, in your existing Update, you are decrementing timer and incrementing timer, resolving that to zero adjustment to timer (unless for some reason deltaTime changed between the decrement and increment. What you probably meant is to decrement the timer if it is positive, then check to see if that’s < 0 and act accordingly, or increment the timer when it is negative, then check if it became positive so as to enable shoot. Subtracting, say 10, then adding 10 leaves timer unchanged between calls to Update.

That said, it is probable that you only intend to decrement if the player has been shooting, not at all times.

That implies that decrements are only applied if the player has been shooting and time expired.

Debug.Log may do nothing in a release build, but this from your code is always doing something:

               if (hit.transform.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                   Debug.Log("Enemy" +;
                   Debug.Log("Not an enemy");

Have a look at this documentation links about conditional compilation:

The norm in other language contexts is that for debug builds, a defined value can be used for conditional compilation, so we wrap all such code between conditional compiler directives so the code isn’t even compiled in a release build. Alas it appears that DEBUG, or some related define, is not honored by Unity. You can create your own, or perhaps use the platform specific codes that are supplied by Unity to include code like this only for code edited in the Unity editor.

Is mytransform actually useful? transform (or this.transform) is immediately available to the MonoBehaviour of this script. You have reason to cache components, because GetComponent takes some time, but transform (or this.transform) takes no more time than mytransform to access because its a member, not an attached component you have to find with a function call.

A minor point is this: Where is timer initialized? In C#, timer is initialized to zero. That’s a convenience of C#, but relying on that is actually a bad habit if you ever move to other languages that don’t do that automatically. The habit of controlling the initialization of basic types, like timer, is better than assuming what the default initialization provides only to discover that doesn’t translate into other languages, or sometimes into more complex types. For ints, floats and other built in basic types, that’s not serious. For object members, however, the initialization is null. Using a null as if it were an object generates an exception, because the initialization of the member variable for a complex type is, by habit of the programmer, not controlled. An example of this is a member variable of type Vector3 declared as:

Vector3 point;

Until something creates a Vector3, it is null and can’t be used without causing an exception, as in:

point = Vector3.forward;
point2 = new Vector3( x, y, z );