How do i make the audio louder?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CoreHealth : MonoBehaviour {
	public int MaxHealth;
	public TextMesh CoresGui;
	public int health;
	public CameraSetter set;
	public GameObject particle;
	public GameObject Cube;
	public GameObject Smoke;
	private bool hassmoke = false;
	public AudioClip play;

	void Awake(){
		health = MaxHealth;

	public void ReceiveDamage(int damage){
		health -= damage;
		GameObject part = (GameObject)Instantiate (particle, Cube.transform.position, Cube.transform.rotation);
		AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (play,transform.position,10f); //audio
		Destroy (part, 1f);

	void Update(){
		if(set.English == true)
			CoresGui.text = "Core Health: " + health + " / " + MaxHealth;
			CoresGui.text = "Vida do Nucleo: " + health + " / " + MaxHealth;

		if (health <= 0)
			Application.LoadLevel (2);
		if (health == 30 && hassmoke == false) {
			Instantiate (Smoke, Cube.transform.position, Cube.transform.rotation);
			hassmoke = true;

In this script, when an enemy hits the core, the core loses health, plays and particle and an audio clip. Everything works fine, but the audio is really low. I can’t hear it. Can someone please help?

You can also try to put the sound between the camera and the location of interest, e.g.

AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (play, 0.9f*Camera.main.transform.position + 0.1f*transform.position ,10f);

In such case sound would play like it is 10 times closer to the camera.

At the line 22:

AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (play,transform.position,10f); //audio

You don’t make it any louder by setting the volume above 1f.

One of possible reasons is that all the other sounds play so loud that you can’t hear what you want to hear. In that case you need to put them down by some value. But that’s only my guessing.

Attach the audio source to the player or the camera and when “health -= damage;” you can play the damage clip that is attached to the camera.