How do i make the text using gui look clear? It looks blury

Sorry if this is a repeat but it is a problem that has been bugging me. When I make text that is parented to the canvas it looks blurry. I tried resizing it and font size and nothing works. even added custom highres fonts and no luck. any help?

Using GUI (pre unity 4.6) the font does not auto scale. Using UI with a canvas, you can check 2 things in the canvas area. 1 is autorisize and 1 is pixel perfect (I forget the exact names). The best bet is to change over to UI for everything. GUI sucks.

If you have to use GUI, then you look at the screen resolution and set the font size. This requires a long list of screen resolutions and font sizes. You may be able to find a GUI rescaler, but really you want to change the font. and thus, the reason to use UI.

I used to have my font scaling set to 125% in windows. By changing that back to 100% (Display Settings > "Change the size of text, apps and other items) my issue with Unity’s GUI was solved.