Hello everyone. I am trying to make a transition from one state to another in the “Animator” state machine happen instantly. By default, the animator seems to finish the current animation first before switching to a new state. Since I am using looping animations, this causes new animations to start with a delay of a few seconds, depending on the lenght of the previous animation, which is inappropriate for some animations, like idling->walking->idling, as it causes the character to keep walking even when it’s not moving anymore, or move before the walking animation actually starts. I’ve tried to find a solution but I couldn’t find an option or script function that would do this. Does anyone know what I would need to do so the transitions work instantly? Thanks in advance!
Also, although I guess it’s unlikely that it’s possible, is there a way to insert “points” into an animation where it can stop and start the transition to the next state? Like walking->idling when either foot is touching the ground?