How do I make the transition between two states in the "Animator" happen instantly?

Hello everyone. I am trying to make a transition from one state to another in the “Animator” state machine happen instantly. By default, the animator seems to finish the current animation first before switching to a new state. Since I am using looping animations, this causes new animations to start with a delay of a few seconds, depending on the lenght of the previous animation, which is inappropriate for some animations, like idling->walking->idling, as it causes the character to keep walking even when it’s not moving anymore, or move before the walking animation actually starts. I’ve tried to find a solution but I couldn’t find an option or script function that would do this. Does anyone know what I would need to do so the transitions work instantly? Thanks in advance!

Also, although I guess it’s unlikely that it’s possible, is there a way to insert “points” into an animation where it can stop and start the transition to the next state? Like walking->idling when either foot is touching the ground?

  1. Select the character you want to edit, and open Animator window.
  2. Select the Transition you want to remove its delay.
  3. UNCHECK “Has Exit Time” checkbox.
  4. do it for every transition you want to change and it should work :slight_smile:

I think it must be unchecked by default but yeah nothing is perfect

I ended up finding the answer to my own question here: Animator - Transition in middle of animation - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

In the transition inspector, uncheck atomic, and drag the blending time between the two states to zero.