How do I create a shader out of this? I’ve never tried anything like it, and would really appreciate some help. Got this off of a link in google that people are allowed to use and I don’t know how to put it into a shader.
That’s pretty much the default shader you get when you click Create->Shader->Unlit Shader (except for the $$anonymous$$ in there). This creates a shader file that you can assign to a material.
Been trying very hard to get a shader to allow Vertex Colours to show in Unity URP. Kinda about to give up. Could I get a bit more help than that? A personal explanation for my specific question would really go a long way.
What specifically are you trying to accomplish? Just create a vertex color shader? Or something more? Do you need lighting support? It is easier to give personalized help if you provide some context.
If you’re willing to use ShaderGraph (which I believe it’s the best option if you’re not comfortable with shaders/programming in general) making a vertex colors shader is quite simple. This might help: