In following the Space Shooter tutorial I encounter a problem at the point where I am supposed to create a material and assign the fx_bolt_orange texture to it. The inspector for the material looks completely different from what is shown in the tutorial video and I don’t appear to have the option to add the texture to it. Is this because the functionality has changed between the different Unity versions or am I doing something wrong here? If someone could explain to me how to go about adding the texture to the material in this way that would be most appreciated.
Here’s a picture of what the inspector looks like on my screen.
I decided to post this on the forum because the Unity Answers site would not let me post it without adding tags and it did not allow me to add any tags either.
EDIT: I was having trouble posting questions on the Answers sections until I found out that what I was doing wrong was using capital letters in the tags. When adding tags do not use capitals. Hope this helps someone.