How do I move a child with the parent but not rotate it with the parent?

I have an enemy with a health bar. I need the enemy to rotate without causing the health bar to rotate around itself. I would prefer not to have another, separate movement script for the health bar, so what can I do?

edit: I also need to have the health bar parented to the enemy so that a script will work. How do I do TryGetComponentInParent? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

edit 2: The game is in 2d.

Use transform.LookAt(Your Camera) function.

I believe @joss51 is suggesting you create a script on the Health Bar that looks at the Camera. This works in most simple cases, including when the camera moves independently, as might happen in a 3rd person game with detachable camera.

Even if you already have a script on the enemy, you can always add additional ones. The following should work for you:

using UnityEngine;

public class FollowCamera : MonoBehaviour
    Camera cam;

    void Start()
        cam = Camera.main;

    void Update()