I’m not sure where to start when it comes to opening up a browser/new tab. If I have text that is essentially a button, like any link you’d find online, how do I open up a browser and go to that URL when I click it?
It’s not supported out of the box. Best way to hack it in would be with an invisible button
That’s what I intended, my question is actually HOW to hack it in. It’s not so much a Unity specific question as a general programming question. Once I’ve clicked my button, what do I do to open up a browser tab?
this doesnt work?
function OnMouseDown ()
LOL, I didn’t think it would be anywhere near that easy. Thanks!
Just in case someone else stumbles upon this necro’d thread (seriously? three letters? that’s a new record!), you can use Unity’s latest acquisition - TextMesh Pro - to handle links in text.
By the way the OP hasn’t been seen in four years.