How do i pause a scene off the start for 3 seconds

Im creating a tron game and I created a count down but when the gam starts the count down works but the game isnt paused so the bike moves while the countdown is running. So i want to pause the bike for 3 seconds or how ever long it takes for the countdown to go Iv tried this function Start () { pause (); } function pause (){ Time.timeScale = 0; yield WaitForSeconds (4.5); Time.timeScale = 1; }
but that slows the wait for seconds to the point to where it doesnt move. how do i fix this which means the timescale never goes back to 1

i think u must use yield WaitForSeconds (4.5) in start function of your bike , try it.

Ok as per my understanding at first you should Declare a bool…by default make it false…then after finishing the timer make the bool to true…and then link your bikes to that bool means check for the status of the bool and according to that fix the behavior of your bikes…

  // Do your bike related stuff here
  // Do the stuff which you want at the timer is running

According to me in first if condition you should have something like = false; or maintain the speed to 0…and in second condition just make the object active or set the speed as per your needs…
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