How do i properly use Application.platform ?

working on a little mobile game… and i want to be able to use my desktop keyboard while also being able to use my joystick without creating separate methods?
this code below isnt working right. the UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN is grayed out. whats the best way to do this?

        Vector2 move =;
        float MoveJoy = variableJoystick.Horizontal;


        move.x = MoveJoy;



        move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");


In Unity, try to change the build target from iOS to Standalone Windows and you’ll se the greyed (deactivated) part of the code being activated.

// Windows stuff

This piece of code is called preprocessing. It tells to the compiler that there is some part of your code that is needed only on some target (i.e : windows). When you’re on other target, it won’t compile the part of code which is preprocessed.