So What I’m trying to do is sort of complicated and very specific I’ll try to provide an appropriate amount of context. Essentially I have a Sound Collection class that has a big list of sounds and parameters that those sounds should be played with (volume, fade in, pitch, stuff like that).
Entirely separately I have an Interactible Object class which should play one or more sounds when interacted with. that class has a list of serialized classes (Controlled Sound) which define what type of sound the sound is, and what the name of the sound is to play (so it can be looked up in the sound collection by name).
Thats all well and good. Heres the problem I’m trying to solve.
I want to create a custom inspector/property drawer for that Sound Controller class that will let me select the type of sound the controlled sound is, and then a drop down of all the sounds in the sound collection from which to select a sound from (so the user doesnt have to type the exact name of the sound into the field.)
Here is the serialized class as well as my not-functioning attempt at the property drawer. I get the following error when trying to select a sound from the dropdown
ArgumentException: Getting control 0’s position in a group with only 0 controls when doing Repaint
What am I doing wrong here? I’ve been studying the property drawer from the unity manual but it and the video tutorial seem very vague.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Sol
public class ControlledSound
public SoundType soundType;
public string soundName;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Sol
public class ControlledSoundDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private SoundType selectedSoundType = SoundType.None;
private string selectedSoundName = "";
private SoundManager cachedSoundManager;
private SoundManager CachedSoundManager
get { return (cachedSoundManager != null) ? cachedSoundManager : cachedSoundManager = GameManager.Get<SoundManager>(); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
Rect rect1 = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width / 2, position.height);
selectedSoundType = (SoundType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect1, selectedSoundType);
int selectedIndex = 0;
string[] options = new string[1];
foreach(SoundCollection soundCollection in CachedSoundManager.collections)
if(soundCollection.soundType == selectedSoundType)
List<string> soundNameList = soundCollection.GetSoundNames();
options = new string[soundNameList.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < soundNameList.Count; i++)
options _= soundNameList*;*_
<em>_if (options *== selectedSoundName) selectedIndex = i;*_</em>
<em>_*Rect rect2 = new Rect(position.x + position.width / 2, position.y, position.width / 2, position.height);*_</em>
<em>_*selectedSoundName = options[EditorGUI.Popup(rect2, selectedIndex, options)];*_</em>
<em>_*DrawControlledSound(selectedSoundType, selectedSoundName);*_</em>
<em>_*public ControlledSound DrawControlledSound(SoundType type, string soundName)*_</em>
<em>_*ControlledSound newControlledSound = new ControlledSound();*_</em>
<em>_*newControlledSound.soundType = type;*_</em>
<em>_*newControlledSound.soundName = soundName;*_</em>
<em>_*return newControlledSound;*_</em>