How do I remove Instatiate Particle clone?

Hi everyone I don’t usually post up and ask for help, but I’m kind of at that point where I REALLY need help. I’m usually working with javascript but I heard C# is better for mobile games, and etc.

So I created a particle system that’s part of my Player Game Object. THE CODE WORKS!

But my real PROBLEM IS: I see the shuriken image after the particle explodes and it remains there and doesn’t disappear. I’m assuming I have to remove the “clones” it makes.

This script is under my Player Game Object.
This is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {

//Vector3 velocity =;
public float jumpSpeed = 150f;
public float forwardSpeed = 4f;
public GameObject SpawnParticle;

bool didJump = false;
public bool dead = false;
float deathCoolDown;
public bool godMode = false;

private GameObject gameOverUI;

// Use this for initialization;
void Start () {
Instantiate (SpawnParticle, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation);

// Do Graphics and Input Updates Here!;
void Update() {
if (dead) {
deathCoolDown -= Time.deltaTime;
if (deathCoolDown <= 0) {
gameOverUI.SetActive (true);
//DestroyObject (Player1); (IGNORE THIS PART!)

if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
didJump = true;

// Do Physics Engine Updates Here!;
void FixedUpdate () {

if (dead)

GetComponent().AddForce (Vector2.right * forwardSpeed);

if (didJump) {
GetComponent ().AddForce (Vector2.up * jumpSpeed);
didJump = false;

void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) {
if (godMode)
dead = true;
Instantiate (SpawnParticle, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation);
deathCoolDown = 0.3f;

If I understand you right this should be the answer

GameObject ps = (GameObject)Instantiate (SpawnParticle, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(ps, 0.3f);
// or..

Don’t destroy things that happens over and over, reuse objects (object pool every thing)

Thanks ya guys! BIG HELP! I’ve been trying to find a way to rid of those clones. I looked around and I saw a couple answers but it didn’t help me. So I decided I might get the answer I want if I post my question and script up.

I would definitly recommend this if you have alot of clones hanging around.